1. Faucet aerators: chances are that you already have one,
but if your water comes out of the faucet in one solid stream then you could acquire one of these to reduce your water usage.
2. Low- flush toilets: Look like any other toilet so I'll spare you the picture, but they use 1.6 gallons instead of the 3.5 gallons used since the 1980's.
3. Sonar - leak detection units: water gurgles, hisses,or thumps as it leaks and these instruments can pick up the vibration.
A. USING NATURE'S BOUNTY4. RAIN BARRELS- a simple method for getting the gardens watered between summer storms. Could be used for many purposes in a pinch.
5. Swales vs. Culverts: gently sloping depressions that permit water to absorb into the soil instead of overflowing into streets or rushing it out to the local gully/river.
6. GREYWATER RECYCLING: Water from sinks, showers, and laundry can be reused (with minimal attention paid to detergents and soaps entering the soil) to water gardens and trees.